- 2024: All news updated here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/people/eschouks/
- 2023
- Published my work on LLM inference efficiency using phase splitting: Splitwise at https://aka.ms/splitwise
- Nominated as co-chair for Hot Carbon 2024
- Served as publication chair for MICRO 2023
- Published my work on power oversubscription of LLM clusters: POLCA (https://aka.ms/POLCA)
- Served on ISCA 2023 Industry track PC
- 2022
- Served on the PC for HPCA 2022, ISCA 2022, MICRO 2022, ASPLOS 2023.
- 2021
- June: Invited panelist for the "Undergrads in Computer Architecture" panel at ISCA 2021.
- June: Invited panelist for the MLADS 2020 conference panel on Sustainable ML
- April: Served on the Program Committee for ICPP 2021.
- April: Served as the Co-Chair for Special Sessions and Tutorials at ICCD 2021.
- January: Served on the Program Committee for ISCA 2021.
- 2020
- November: Invited panelist for the MLADS 2020 conference panel on Sustainable ML.
- November: Served as External Reviewer for HPCA 2020.
- November: Served on the Program Committee for HPCA 2020 Industry track.
- October: Invited panelist on the JOBS panel at MICRO 2020.
- September: Served on the Program Committee for ICCD 2020 for the computer architecture track.
- September: Served on the Program Committee for MICRO 2020.
- June: Presented my paper on "Buddy Compression: Enabling larger HPC and DL workloads on GPUs" at the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2020), conducted online due to the shelter in place. (link)
- January: Served on the external review committee for ISCA 2020.
- 2019
- December 18: Invited talk on my research at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India.
- December 9: Organized a Microsoft-ASPLOS PC workshop to inform the research community of the latest topics we are working on here at Microsoft.
- April 11: Invited talk on my research for webinar series by Women in Computer Architecture [link]
- March 21: Media coverage of my work in hpcwire [link]
- Feb 21: Invited talk on "A systems perspective on compression in deep learning" at SiFive's RISC-V Revolution Symposium in Austin, TX.
- Jan 7-31: Candidate talks at Intel Labs (Santa Clara, California and Hillsboro, Oregon offices), AMD Research (Austin Office) and ARM Research (Austin Office) on "Efficient Hardware Main Memory Compression".
- 2018
- October 24: Presented my paper "Compresso: Pragmatic Main Memory Compression [pdf]" at the 51st IEEE MICRO (International Symposium on Microarchitecture) in Fukuoka, Japan.
- July 24: Invited talk at Intel Labs on "OS-Transparent Main Memory Compression".
- July 6: Invited poster at the Accelerated Compute Research Summit at Google Mountainview, on my work on Main Memory Compression.
- 2017
- March 27: Poster at NVMW (Non-Volatile Memories Workshop) San Diego, about "Improving non-volatile main memory with on-chip DRAM"
- 2016
- December 6: Presented at the Annual Intel Strategic Research Alliance (ISRA) workshop for low latency architectures at Intel, Hillsboro, OR.